Why Metamodernsim?
The present order of civilization is not organized around living human relations. Instead it is organized around impersonal processes, namely the production of capital. All relationships, all institutions, all individuals, are organized round this principle, thus reducing humans to an auxiliary role in their own history. However, there are still those few who yearn for a more human centric moral order that revolves around ethical principles and brings out the hidden virtues of man.
History Revealed
There is no such thing as local history. History is by definition international, it always has been vine when not humanly reconcitzed. Unforntly, the way History is presented to us in the current postmodern era is as a series of unrelated events set in the backdrop of an arbitrary timeline, giving the facade of scientific respectability. A more truly objective or better yet holistic understanding of History requires a more world historic, teleological understanding incorporating the materialist conception of history, for it is easy to forget that human are primarily sensory beings. The human species in its broadest mammalian definition is appromoxatly 3 million years old. The current form of humans, Homo sapiens, are approxamtly 150,000 years old. For the lion share of that last time frame, the Stone Age, the species naturally organized themselves socially into nomadic hunter gather primitive communist proto democratic tribes of roughly 150 members, as the means to meet their material needs. With the neolithic agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago, human social organization changed and the first settlements evelobved into the first civilizations. However it wasn't until the Bronze Age, also called the axial age by the phsilopher Kalr jaspers that humans, as members of civilatiion, achieved a level of self awareness where they began to systamtcily inquire about the teleology or purpose of History and their destiny within it. Therefore, since this age, history is better understood as an unfolding evolution of collective human consciousness grasping the workings of the world as it is revealed through the process of interconnected human action over time. The following is the skeletal outline of this narrative through these zeightgeists.
Classical Antiquity: To the west this has always meant Ancient Greece and Rome, but during this time The abhrahmic monotheism were rising in the middle east, and Buddhism and confuciisim in the Far East. Poticvla Man. The Orient is to have a distinct but not separate development as th astianc stage of civkaition according to Karl Marx. The Silk Road, maritime traders, the Bronze Age collapse. The Iron Age. Argicuklatural empires.
The Middle Ages: The combining of the pagan philosophies with the abhramic monotheism with an emphasis on divinity. Holy Man. man in serecah of redemption and salvation from the corruptions of the world. the peasant masses subjected to lords. fragmented fear states of once expansive empires. Christendom.
The Renaissance: The combining of the pagan phslkiphies with the abhramic hsilopies with the meoahsis on humanism. Beautiful man. man as the highest form of creation. Merchansitsms, capiatsiams. protestant reformation. Gelleio, Copernicus.
The Enlightenment: Rational Man. tHe conbuinting if the pluralist plan phslipies with the universalism of abhramic monotheism giving rise to the modern nation state. Scientific relation, printing press, cpatsialism,. bousois relation, newton pychsics.
Romanticism: Unconious Man. The counter enlightment and its cohtintuaion. Gothisism. Shelly, Byron, Tenyysons. Marx proletarian revolution. greek independence
Naturalism: Scientific man. Industrialization. Victorismims. Darwinism
Modernism: Practical economic Man. Freud, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, facsim, totoaimisraism, keysnism, welfare state, new deal, end of empire. United Nations, environmentalism
Postmodernism: Subjective man. Late capitalism, capitalist realism, culture wars, end of Cold War, Neo liberalism, globalization and anti globalzation. Fragmented man. micro narratives. Supra state.
Metamodernsim: Holistic Man. Planetary civilization, world government. Super and supra world state. Left wing revival. Majortian coaltion.
The contempry postmodern era takes this self awrnesss to the extreme, but it does so only for fragmented man, man as solely an individual. For this self arenas to be complete is will have to be both individual and collective, integrating the shards of man soul back into a superior form of his original state. Why meatmdoenrism? It is to continue this great tarduion of evolutionary consciousess into the future, but in order to do that the impasse caused by the plague off postmodernism must be overcome.
Robin Van Den Akker
Alison Gibbons
Timotheus Vermeulen
Michael Harrington
Fragments of the Century
The Long Distance Runner
Carl Sagan
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
G.W.F. Hegel
Philosophy of History
Karl Marx
Charles Darwin
The Origin of Species
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Silmarillion
The Lord of the Rings
Sigmund Freud
Civilization and its Discontents
Carl Jung
Psychological Types
Christopher Hitchens
Why Orwell Matters
Love, Poverty, and War
Nick Cohen
What's Left?